Category: Security

Stay Safe!

Every day, tens if not hundreds of thousands of people are targeted by cyber criminals trying to obtain their personal and financial information. More often than not, this is by email, text message or telephone. Attacks such as these are happening more and more often in these dire times and your online security is more […]

Appalling Passwords

I am constantly astounded by the naivety or (at best) the casual attitude shown by so many people when it comes to applying a password to files and information which should be securely protected.  Read this article and be amazed!

WordPress Will Require Users To Have HTTPS

Founder, Matt Mullenweg, recently announced that WordPress will require all hosts to have HTTPS in place before the end of 2017 without which certain WordPress features will cease to function. If you already have HTTPS, this should not affect you. But if you’re still using HTTP, you’ll need to upgrade soon. What is HTTPS? HTTPS adds a security layer to […]

Unbelievable Passwords

Almost every day we hear of computer hackings, identity theft etc. and we are urged to use strong passwords that are changed regularly.  So it really does beggar belief that in 2014, the most commonly used password was revealed as being: 123456!!  Yes, really!! And in 2013 it was (you’ve guessed it) the word ‘password’.  […]

The 25 Most Commonly Used Passwords in 2012

It is mind-boggling and enough to make you shudder – to know that in this day and age there are still some people so lacking in awareness, or inventiveness that they cannot come up with any password more secure than the following.  Or is it just laziness?  ALWAYS choose a ‘secure’ password which should never […]

Is It Time To Replace Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft entered the anti-virus area when it introduced MSE, Microsoft Security Essentials, in 2009. This tool operates on Windows XP, 7 and 8. Users praised the move because it was long overdue that this company brought out its own solution in anti-virus protection. Early results showed that Microsoft’s application was just as robust as the […]