Search Engine Optimisation Tips For Beginners

Search engine optimisation, also called SEO, is usually presented as a costly and time-consuming marketing technique. However you can improve the optimisation of your website by following a few simple tips if you do not want to spend money on an expensive SEO service. You need to start with your unique value proposition. Ask yourself […]

The Future of Google+

Google+ has been in the news quite often recently. It seems that Vic Gundotra (head of Google+) and Google are parting company and 1,000 or more of the team that has worked on Google+ will now be reassigned within the Google workplace. TechCrunch recently published an article headed ‘Google+ is Walking Dead‘ which, as might […]

The Decline of the Website Home Page

The way that people interact with websites has changed as more and more people go directly to the page they want to see. This means that your Home page is no longer used as often as it once was. This is something now to be considered when looking at web design. A research website found […]

Upcoming Google Search Changes

Effective from 21st April, Google will be placing considerably more emphasis on mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. The change will affect all mobile searches globally, irrespective of the language used, and undoubtedly it will have a significant impact on search results. It will be much easier thereafter for cell phone, tablet etc. users to receive […]

Unbelievable Passwords

Almost every day we hear of computer hackings, identity theft etc. and we are urged to use strong passwords that are changed regularly.  So it really does beggar belief that in 2014, the most commonly used password was revealed as being: 123456!!  Yes, really!! And in 2013 it was (you’ve guessed it) the word ‘password’.  […]

Facebook or Website?

Are you losing sales because your posts are slipping down Facebook pages as other posts are added? If you have your own Facebook page, have you considered what might happen when Facebook changes its rules or the way their site works?  This has happened before and it will happen again. If you have a range […]